Search Guide
[ Pitch |
Diatonic Pitch |
Pitch Search
Search by pitch-class name, A-G. Accidentals: # = sharp, - = flat.
Alternately, pitch names can be given as solfege syllables: {ut|do}, re,
mi, fa, so[l], la, {ti|si}. If the German pitch H is used in the
search string, then B is mapped to B-flat.
Accidentals can have long forms: -sharp, sharp,
-is or is for #, and
-flat, flat, -es, or es for -.
Spaces between notes are optional.
Pitch Wildcards
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Matches to any one pitch.
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Matches to one or more of the preceding pitch.
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Matches to zero or more of the preceding pitch.
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The preceding pitch is optional.
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The diatonic pitch name can have any accidental after it (including natural).
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- ceg is equivalent to c e g, CEG, or do mi sol.
- ggge-fffd, g+e-f+d and g{3}e-f{3}d will all
match to Beethoven's fifth symphony when using an achored search.
Diatonic Pitch Search
Diatonic pitch searches are similar to pitch searches described
above. However, the ^ wildcard is automatically applied
after each pitch name. This type of search is useful for searching
for pitch sequences from a score without the need to type the accidental.
It is also useful when the mode of the music is not important.
- cdefg will match to cdefg, c#def#g#, cde-fg, etc. The diatonic pitch search cdefg is equivalent
to the pitch search c^d^e^f^g^.
Text Search
Text-based searches can be done in parallel with other searches by
typing the format: TEXT{text search string}. This will search
for text search string intersected with the other type of
search being done. All text searches are case-insensitive.
Bibliographic Record Searches
To limit searches to particular reference records, search using
this format: OTL<title search>, where
OTL in this case is the reference record tag meaning title. Using
otl or OTL is equivalent, since the reference record tag matching
is done case-insensitivly.
record tag
- onm<3> will match to the character 3 found in a
ONM bibliographic record.
- onm<\b3\b> will match to the number 3 found in a
ONM bibliographic record, where \b is the regular-expression
marker for a word boundary.